“Let us remember that this record, a constant listening pleasure, proves to be a dive as pleasant as it is erudite into rhythms and musicalities building a very entertaining bridge between genres and musical forms. A stimulating and optimistic opus.”
Pierre-Damien Houville – Muse Baroque – 23/03/2024
“The vitality and good mood of the previous album are fully found here. We bow before the commitment and the attention to detail (starting with the jubilant violin of Alix Boivert) of this fascinating work.”
Frédéric Degroote – Diapason – 02/2024
“The Curious Bards restores a music that is still very much alive and has survived the centuries without aging! There is no doubt that this recording will delight fans of baroque music and fans of Irish music.”
Eric Lambert – Baroquiades – 19/01/2024
“This second disc turns out to be very exciting and allows us to mix the scholarly and popular worlds into one, that is festive, perfect for having a great time.”
Elodie Martinez – Opera-Online.com – 12/12/2023
“The sound signature of the ensemble: virtuosity and sense of color on a powerful rhythmic base, spectacular changes of sound . The relaxed playing of violinist Alix Boivert blends into the quivering swirls of Bruno Harlé’s flute. This way of conducting energy is remarkable for a studio recording. (…) A delight.”
Philippe Ramin – Classica – 11/2023
“Nothing is more serious than the Curious Bards, a group of musicians trained in renowned conservatories. They are first of all curious in the active sense since they do in-depth research in libraries. In line with their first album, “[Ex]tradition”, “Indiscretion” is full of reels, jigs, strathspeys and hornpipes linked together with a confident taste which make your legs tingly.”
François Clairant – Sud-Ouest – 27/11/2023
“We are transported to the wild lands of Ireland and Scotland to discover the “Gaelic” repertoire of the 18th century.”
Marc Vignal – Musikzen – 18/11/2023
“A musicological exploration of 18th century Irish and Scottish repertoires, mixing scholarly and popular music, danced or sung, preceded this completely successful recording, on ancient instruments. A superb album of joyful melancholy.”
Alain Lambert – Musicologie.org – 02/11/2023
“(…) it is a true journey through space and time that invites you to the alternately graceful and energetic violin of Alix Boivert, the pure and light cittern of Jean-Christophe Morel, the vibrant viol of Sarah Van Oudenhove, the crystalline harp of Louis Capeille, the mischievous traverso of Bruno Harlé– but also the refined singing of Ilektra Platiopoulou: the clear and light timbre of the mezzo allows a beautiful clarity in the diction, and the simplicity of the singing avoids any excessive sophistication, thus allowing the freshness and spontaneity of the five vocal pages which punctuate this rare and attractive program to be preserved.”
Stéphane Lelièvre – Première-Loge.com – 21/10/2023
“Their interpretations are exciting. The least we can say is that the ear is constantly captured by tunes which carry the listener away and sometimes dynamite the listening experience. The instrumentation contributes a lot. (…) Their committed executions provide communicative pleasure, full of momentum and fantasy. The equally powerful and inhabited contribution of mezzo-soprano Ilektra Platiopoulou brings extra soul to the sung pieces. All are captured in a close but airy acoustic, capable of communicating this feeling of shared pleasure that this music generates.”
Jean-Pierre Robert – On-mag.fr – 10/10/2023
“The ensemble returns to this same repertoire, (…) always in the company of the excellent mezzo Ilektra Platiopoulou. Heady rhythms, unexpected timbres, powerful and evocative melodies: we can’t resist “Indiscretion”, a new album, no less vibrant than the previous one, which has just been released by Harmonia Mundi.”
Alain Cochard – Concertclassic.com – 28/09/2023
“The Curious Bards is influenced by modern practice, to which it attaches its research on the 18th century sources, in order to revive an early music traditional universe. We will note the care brought to the historical investigation, as well as the practice (…) On the case of the Bards , it is rather a storm. The instrumental brio is confined in the telluric exaltation of Lady Herriott Hopes! The melodies do not give up neither their charm, nor their shape for long. (the jig John Nugent). When the statement is more introvert (Raddire en Ougnish) it is always made in a lively and ariculated way. The flute of Bruno Harlé develops a variety of attacks (the most remarquable ones in the Rakes of Westmeath) to which responds the nervous violin of Alix Boivert.”
Loïc Chahine- Diapason- 05/2019
“Meticulous as well as commited, driven by historical interpretation but with a modern outlook, the first album of the baroque ensemble « The Curious Bards » is characterized by a rejoicing freshness throughout.”
Charlotte Saulneron– Resmusica – 02/12/2018
“Its [Ex]tradition album offers an earpricking melding of Gaelic and Celtic folk music with Baroque performance practice, and it is toe-tapping stuff – convivial, improvisatory-feeling (clearly delivered from memory), the music’s dance roots honoured through crisp articulation and rhythmic precision, and the whole wrapped up in stylish prechinrest technique.”
Charlotte Gardner – The Strad- 02/04/2018
“An early music group playing Irish and Scottish folk tunes. This worked wonderfully well, and they were very good at it. They were the Curious Bards, directed by the ebullient period fiddler Alix Boivert (…) None of them is Irish or Scottish, but they have an authentic ceilidh touch – invigorating and beautiful.”
Tim Homfray – The Strad- 02/04/2018
“The interpretation of this album is imbued with great spirit, it transmits the vitality of the simple folk with the spontaneity and flexibility of improvisation. (…) The bright tone of mezzo Ilektra Platiopoulou brings a luminous colour.”
Victoria Okada – Toutelaculture.com – 01/28/2018
“The magnificent instruments, the choice and the arrangement of the pieces, the virtuosity inspired and astonishing at the same time, make this album of superb quality, one of the most beautiful of its kind.”
René François Auclair – Le Parnasse Musical – 01/20/2018
“The musicians profit from this energy in order to show, always with a certain simplicity, their virtuosity and mastery of their instrument (…) After reading the booklet we understand that this recording is a result of a serious musicological and musical research. This approach is confirmed by the fact that after listening to the album, one is convinced that every aspect has been mastered.”
Emmanuel Derœux – Baroquiades – 01/02/2018
“The new album of the Curious Bards is breathtaking ; Their playing is dazzling (…) An excellent articulation and a thorough research of the sources, meet here on an immense joy of performing. “
Jörg Lengersdorf – Südwestrundfunk 2 – 12/22/2017
“The Curious Bards « [Ex]tradition » : flamboyant baroque folk music! (…) The sound is superb, the arrangements as well, some of which come from the great O’Carolan.”
Alain Lambert – Musicologie.org – 12/13/2017
“The Curious Bards offer feel good music, taking us through the rich but unknown times of Ireland and Scotland. It is diversified, interpreted with precision and it arouses our curiosity.”
Olivier Dénommée – Critique de Salon – 12/11/2017
“We will confess (…) a crush for The Curious Bards that revisit the traditional repertoire of Ireland.”
La Croix – 12/09/2017
“Listening to this repertoire, that is so meticulously researched and interpreted, we also feel all the vitality and energy of this music, as well as somehow the ambiance of a « live » performance. It is indeed a beautiful achievement, managing to transmit the ambiance of a concert but keeping a legible, exceptional quality of tone. It is very serious production, what these curious bards offer. It is as well, and it is worth mentioning, an extraordinary documentation work and musicological research. If the principal goal is to breathe life into the simple popular joy of the past, one has to recognize that the band of Alix Boivert manages it with Art and Science. A beautiful discovery.”
Joël Chevassus – Audiophile Magazine – 12/04/2017
“The Curious Bards (…) resurrect these historical forgotten treasures. The result is accesible, captivating and of great quality.”
Maria Goeth – Crescendo – 11/17/2017
“A great discovery ! (The Curious Bards) plunges us enthusiastically into this 18th century music.”
Anna Sigalevitch – France Inter – 11/04/2017
“(…) A musical journey full of charm, extemely colorful and transporting. We discover plenty of new things(…) We absolutely adored these traditional and popular pieces ! “
Gaëlle Le Gallic – France Musique – 10/28/2017
“(…) The Curious Bards are a beautiful discovery (…) Irish and Scottish music and songs of the 18th century. Interpreted with rigour, but also enthusiam and drive, under the direction of Alix Boivert (…) An original and beautiful musical moment that we can now find again on disc.”
Destimed – 10/04/2017
“(…) Amongst dancing rhythms, addictive melodies and plaints of love ( like this poignant farewell to France presumably by Mary Stuart)- Ilektra Platiopoulou with a powerful voice and unequelled expresivity (…) and The Curious Bards are having a great time. The public as well.”
Marie-Aude Roux – Le Monde – 10/04/2017
“The Curious Bards are indeed true to their name. Curious derives from the Old French word for diligence, and is akin to the Latin word cura meaning care. And so it is with forensic attention to detail – without drowning out the water of life of the artistic imagination – that this inspired ensemble turns with diligence and care to the early printed and manuscript sources of the music that draws out their curiosity. The result is a joyous sonic explosion as the sound opens out like a flower for the enlightened listener. It is a sound to swim in, to float on, and to sink back into. It is a sound that alerts the memory of the hands towards an energy release that is refreshing and empowering. It is a sound that invites your curiosity..”
Mícheál Ó Súílleabháin, Inaugural Chair of Music and Founding Director in Irish World Academy of University of Limerick (Ireland)
“The Curious Bards thrilled the audience in Göttingen. (…) The musicians offered a fascinating Irish and Scottish music accompanying program to the Handel Festival. (…) They gained many fans this evening.”
Göttinger Tageblatt – 05/18/2017
“The Curious Bards (…) were extraordinary, playing without scores. Their intonation, precision, virtuosity are worthy of the greatest. We should not forget the heart and soul of this performance (…) Ilektra Platiopoulou. A beautiful mezzo voice, pure, balanced (…) nicely coloured.”
L’Alsace – 01/20/2017
“The Curious Bards (…) performed a beautiful programme of 18th century century airs and songs with great control and enthusiasm. (…) The mezzo soprano Ilektra Platiopoulou enchanted the public with her strong vocal presence and great richness of expression. Such virtuosity and such refinement in the work of these artists, who know how to join together high quality and pleasure.”
Le Dauphiné – 10/25/2016
“Their programme (…) was put across with great accomplishment and verve. (…) [and] it must be confessed that said audience loved The Curious Bards.”
Brian Robins, Early Music Review – 10/13/2016
“We often talk about the new generation of baroque musicians. The Curious Bards is a perfect example : musicology, research, individual qualities as well as group qualities, crossover and contemporaneity. ”
Nicolas Bucher, Head of Centre de Musique Baroque de Versailles – 19/08/2016
“The Curious Bards have a lovely acoustic and refined sound that brings to mind the Edinburgh drawing room of the 18th and 19th centuries (…). I really like the sound they are creating and the specificity and nuance that goes into the arrangements and coordination between instrumentalists. (…). However they still manage to convey a very bright and pulsey groove reminiscent of the spontaneity and dance influence of Cape Breton fiddling.”
Joshua Dickson, Head of Traditional Music, Royal Conservatoire of Scotland – 06/16/2016
“Spontaneity, refinement and virtuosity are the foundations of this young ensemble. Regarding the interpretation, the musical phrases were intelligently chained with firmness and rigor, but also with cantabile moments, creating a suggestive and imagistic musical discourse.”
Blog Agenda Liternet, Ioana Hrior – 04/14/2016
“The Curious Bards ignites the chapel”
L’Yonne – 07/24/2015
“They play this repertoire with pleasure, spontaneity (…) and virtuosity.”
Blog Organ of Charolles – 07/24/2015
“In one of the most original theatres of the department, (…) the privileged spectators could experience the pleasing concert of The Curious Bards”
Le journal de Saône et Loire – 07/21/2015
“At a time when it is tasteful to do “crossover music”, it is not easy to defend a stylistic specificity and particular research located between ancient and traditional music. Yet, this is what gives The Curious Bards their incredible talent; they transport us from the Irish salons of the eighteenth century to the present pubs, and they bring the same seriousness and commitment to each of these two worlds.”
Odile Edouard – member of “Les Witches“- 02/17/2015
“The performers rely on their perfect knowledge of the art of diminution to infuse this repertoire with unparalleled momentum and give a beautiful impression of freedom. The nervous and swift violin of Alix Boivert, the agile flute of Bruno Harlé, the obvious complicity which circulates between the musicians, everything contributes to making this recording a real fireworks display.”
Cécile Glaenzer – Resmusica.com – 23/09/2023